Becoming a globally recognized foundry and manufacturing company, committed to the highest global standards of quality, efficiency, operational performance and customer satisfaction is the vision towards which Specialized Industrial Casting Company (SICAST) is invested.

Guided by our clear corporate philosophy, We are committed to building a reputable leading position within our industry. It is my firm belief that our mission will be one of success. In compliance with Vision 2030 and in accordance with international demand, we will grow. We will achieve. We will excel.

Success is not possible, however, without the continued support of our shareholders, colleagues, bankers, customers, suppliers, advisors, and other associates. To them, I extend my most sincere appreciation. Also to my colleagues on the Board for their valuable input and guidance that has been fundamental in taking the company towards a sustainable business.

Abdulrahman Bader Algosaibi
Chairman, Specialized Industrial Casting Company